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2024: My Year in Review

Another trip around the sun! I kept my same hiking goals from previous years: 52 hikes , 365 miles , 84,000 feet . However, I came up short ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Hike: Forest Park (Firelane 12, 15, Wildwood, BPA) VI, Portland, OR

AllTrails map

Getting There

There is room for a few cars on the side of the road at the Skyline Blvd trailhead (Firelane 15). It's about 1.6mi north of NW Germantown Road on NW Skyline Blvd. 

The Hike

Distance: 7.03 mi
Elevation Gain:
1,427 ft
Calories: 1,185
Avg Pace:
Moving Time: 2:14:31
Total Time:

This is my 6th hike in this section of Forest Park.

Actually I was surprised by the lack of flowing water at the Firelane 12-15 junction considering the recent change of weather. There are definitely some puddling on the trail and a few slippery spots, including exposed roots & rocks. 

I wanted to change things up for this hike. I usually go counterclockwise (Firelane 15, Wildwood, Newton Rd/Creek, BPA Rd). This time I thought I’d take the side road (Firelane 13) instead of BPA Rd. I confidently descended down this new route without looking at the map! I presumed it would pop out about 1/2 way down BPA Rd. Unfortunately I found myself at a dead end. I looked at the map. Nope. I was close to Hwy 30 but it was pure bushwhacking. The other road also dead ends before the bottom. 

So I walked back up to the BPA Rd. I scrapped the plan to go down to Newton Creek and the clockwise route. I got a good workout. I walked back towards Wildwood. 

For a little extra exercise I hiked up to the BPA trailhead on NW Skyline then backtracked to Wildwood. Then returned via Firelane 15. 

Good stuff. Lots of birds out.