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2024: My Year in Review

Another trip around the sun! I kept my same hiking goals from previous years: 52 hikes , 365 miles , 84,000 feet . However, I came up short ...

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Hike: Forest Park (Firelane 12, 15, Wildwood, Newton Road, BPA) IX, Portland, OR

Footpath map

Getting There

Take NW Skyline Blvd north from NW Germantown Road. The Skyline Blvd Trailhead is 1.6 mi and a parking are available on right (east) side of the road.

I parked, geared up and set out.


The Hike

Length: 8.86 miles
Elevation Gain: 1,841 feet
Type: Loop (except section to trailhead)

This is the 9th time I've done this general route and 3rd time I've added a leg to Newton Rd Trailhead which adds about 1.6 miles but not much elevation change.

This time I did the clockwise direction, descending down BPA Road instead of ascending it.

It's amazing how a familiar trail is sudden "new" again by switch directions. I could kind of pick out some of the landmarks and usual "waypoints". 

I passed a hiker and their dog in the first couple of miles. I didn't see anyone until Kielhorn Meadow spur trail on the way back.

View from BPA Road

Note: My AllTrails app unexpectedly stopped recording my hike ಠ_ಠ so I have no record of actual distance, elevation +/-, total & moving times, calorie, avg pace.

So I'm going to try a new app/service called Footpath (footpathapp.com) which allow you to create hikes like multi-trail loops ahead of time. I was able to export the map as a GPX file and import it into AllTrails, however, it is imported as a Map and not an Activity, and no way to mark Completed. :(

I'm not willing to ditch AllTrails just yet but this is not the first time I've lost data because the app quit on me.